Monday, April 30, 2007

Resolve.. not just a household cleaner

Well, I worked w/ the boss lady today, and found that Next Tuesday we are having a big employee meeting.. the basis.. " No More "Well if so and so didn't do it I won't either" and was told that we might be an employee or so short afterwards.. No skin off my nose.. Fchking lazy ass people.. I work my ass off, and I don't do it for them. Anyhow, I feel much better.
Oh, and a couple of my favorite customers ( hubby and wife ) brought me some cake.. yeah cake. They thought enough of me to take the time to bring me food. So, sweet of them. Food is good now and again. I've had other customers bring me other stuff, soup , pies, offer of craw fish ( yumm ) , and each time It has truly and honestly brightened my day not to mention my outlook on the society at large.
So, next time you're out and visit someplace you always visit... bring some cookies for them, let them know they ARE appreciated.

So, G ( DH's BF dad ) is going to be released ( from life support ) tomorrow. Now BF is worried about how to afford the funeral/ burial. I can only hope that something comes their way soon. I know that so much is already on their shoulders.. and not only the past bills, but the future too. Keep them in your thoughts please.

DD is going on a field trip tomorrow, so MIL and I are taking her to look for her Banquet dress on Thursday, I only hope it doesn't cost me too much. However, If we loose an employee or two perhaps I'll have some extra money so I won't worry so much over that.. I will just enjoy being able to spend time with my Lovely DD.

Brightest of Blessing to you all ( Sister Mine )

Excited and Sad

It's a few hours later now, and I've gotten over my Pissed ( for the time being ) .. I cannot control any one's actions while I am not there to watch over them. If they choice not to do their job, and I'm not there... so be it.. I won't take the shit for their demise any longer. I will go in and do My work, My job as best I can. And until I am given the authority to reprimand, write up, and or fire someone... screw it, I'm not going to blow my health just for this menial job.. not when I can go else where.

I'm excited cause I work till 2 this afternoon, and DH and I ( if / when he gets home ) will spend some quality time together. Not to mention that tomorrow I am going to town w/ my MIL ( gotta love that woman ) and spending the day w/ her. Of course I do have to go to my Cardiologist for an INR check up, but that is no biggie. If DD doesn't have anything big at school (TAKS, tests.. what have you ) I might let her come w/ too. Either way, we'll go to lunch, I'll destress, and have a good day. Wednesday, I have to work mid shift, but that's okay since I'll be on the floor and out of sight from the "stupid" people who can't seem to do their jobs.

On the other hand, I'm sad.. DH's best friend's father is Brain Dead, and when he is taken from Life Support ( be it on his own or w/ help ) DH will be pall bearer at the funeral. I know that the day will be difficult for him as the man was like a second father to him. Whatever G needed, if his own son (the BF ) couldn't do DH did ( mechanically ).

I am not looking forward to the funeral, since I KNOW I'll be scheduled to work, but that's the way it falls for me... Sucks. Anyhow, I'll do my best to work around getting the time I need for it and for DH.

Until later Folks... Have a Blessed Day and Future yourselves.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Mondays Suck

Well according to me.. it was actually my Wednesday, but still Today Sucked.. Co-workers are Fcking lazy, and just because someone else didn't do does NOT mean they don't have to do it... Damn It, It Is Their Job to do it. Just do the Fucking work and everyone will be so much happier.. and to top it off, I am at the bottom of the management trail ( my choice since I stepped down from Assistant Manager ).. so since Schit flows down hill.. well I'm buried .
Anyhow, I feel so much better now that I'm home with my family.. and my heart has finally settled back to normal.. Breath In Breath Out. Breath In Breath Out. . In Out.. Okay, better.

I'm looking forward to tomorrow about 2:15, when second shift shows up and I'll be heading home.. Then I can pay my bill, check my mail, and go w/ Hubby (if he's home) to town and get some checks ordered. Maybe then I'll have gotten over this Pissed, and won't be thinking of quitting my job.

Friday, April 27, 2007

A Wineing begining at work

Well work went.. not quickly enough and not like I'd hoped. Instead of me on the floor I am on register having to baby sit the other two. That bites.. I'd just as soon do the work myself and be done w/ it and know it's done correctly and well. This week coming I have two days off .. split days.. but that's okay. I don't mind.. It's better than last weeks was, I had to work 7 days before I got another day off from the previous days I had. I know Bitch Bitch Wine Wine. At least this day is done. On to another one.
Until later.. have a great weekend and I'll chat at you another time.

My Monday

I know I know.. it's Friday for most of you.. however I just had two days off, so today is my Monday.
Yesterday finished off just fine.. DD got off from school so I took her to get her hair cut, a bit odd but she seems happy w/ it. Then after getting home and finishing supper DH and I walked around outside. We finish burning the pile of cuttings, walked the perimeter of the pond we are discussing ( a nice small pond in the upper corner of our prop. to put in perch and such to make use of the swamp area that is there), and checked out the garden. In the mean time we also got to see a baby blue jay fall from his nest, hop around, get dive bombed by a mocking bird, climb (you know what I mean ) his tree, and continue his flying lessens. All the time Momma and Daddy Blue jay were watching over him/her. I wish I'd of had the camera to take picture of it, but sry I didn't.

I don't know what days I'll be working as I go from week to week w/ different schedules. Sucks in a way, but at least most days I get to sleep in.. which I so enjoy. As for my stalker, No, not interested... I suppose he could be called good looking if he weren't so stalkerish... he comes to the counter I get his item and he stares, shakes his head, and calls me "So Beautiful".. *CHILLS*.. But I keep myself on my side of the counter when he comes in. Enough about that, I'm in hopes that since it's Friday I'll get to work on the floor ( away from the customers ) and won't have to be nice to anyone today. Besides time goes alot faster there when I work on the floor.

Other than that, not much else to tell. My DH's best friend's father is in the hospital again. He had gone to dialysis and for some reason just quit breathing.. they rushed him to an ICU unit and that is the last we've heard so far. I'm in hopes that he will get better, but I realistically doubt it. He will not come home for some time, if in fact ever. Keep him in your thought should you read this.

Have a wonderful day

Thursday, April 26, 2007

OHG!!! Here It Comes Again.

Well here we go again.. my two days off have nearly passed me by.. once again. It's around noon, and it's actually not raining and the wind isn't blowing 90 mph like it has been. I thought I'd stop in and tell you about my day.
I slept in this morning as I am prone to do and then watched Failure to Launch.. cute movie.. I like the thought of Matthew McConaughey being tied up. Then went and paid my electric bill, and set up a hair appointment for my daughter. Strange Child. Got me a strawberry shake and came home to you. Oddly enough my DH hasn't come home like he usually does in the afternoon so I can only guess that work is actually doing something that will keep him there for the entire day. lol.
Yesterday I got up late .. as usual.. and played online for a while. Then DH came home and I watched and listened to it pore rain for the next couple of hours. Then, after considering killing my DH and resuming control of the Remote, I started laundry and decided to go to town and check mail and do some shopping. Yep you guessed it, I am a Housewife.. weird, I never thought in a million years I would be, however I like it.
My BFF Kari posted about me posting.. lol. It actually has been quite a long time since I've posted.. I have been working on getting my blog ( antiquated as it is ) back up and running. I probably won't post every day as I just don't have much to say about my day to day life.. other than bitching and moaning over work bullshit, and no one really want to hear that day after day. I could tell you about my stalker at work who comes to see me and tell me that I need to marry him if ( when according to him ) my "relationship" w/ my DH doesn't pan out. LOL like that's going to happen. cause I can tell you right now, If my DH dies or leaves me I 1) most likely will never marry again b) will never date a guy from here. Kinda like I never dated a guy from my own home town. Don't get me wrong.. I innocently flirt w/ a couple of the customers, however they are either happily married and are no threat or are quite a bit younger and don't take me seriously anyhow. Either way we all get a laugh and enjoy our experience at work and go home a bit happier. But the stalker, I don't flirt w/ him let get that straight.. I keep to my business and sell him the product that he asked for. No more, No less.

Okay, enough of that.. I think I'll fix me some lunch and go outside and enjoy the beautiful day, the sunshine ( making sun tea too ), and look over and feed my plants. Oh, and I forgot I have to start supper in a couple of hours too. Roast Beef, potatoes, I may even go get some carrots too.
For those that pass through and actually read now, have read, or will return.. have a wonderfulous day too.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

A new Begining

Well, it's 4 something in the morning and I'm still awake.. damn bladder. Naw, can't blame my night wandering on that.. I just wish I had a book to read. I figure this is a good time as any to update my blogger and put it to use.
We moved into the home we lived in before we moved to Vegas.. so it seems we've come full circle. We figured we'd end up buying the place after DH's Grandmother passed away, I'm just glad that it's still here for us.
I'm doing okay... my heart beat is till wonkie but it doesn't seem to alarm anyone so I deal w/ it. I go in next Tuesday to get my INR checked again. Personally after 3 years of this you'd think they'd let me check in every 6 weeks at the clinic, and not at their "Comadin Clinic " where I get charged another $30. for 5 minutes worth of their time. I know that they are going to bitch about my weight, I've gained some in the last couple of months, but I think alot of it is water weight and will be seeing if they will allow me some water pills to help.. I know this cause I can see it in my ankles when I get off of work and take my socks off. I also know that I need to really lay off the pop tarts ( one a day ) and get back to my fruit thing.. I like a bit of fruits ( apples, bananas, and such ) to snack on throughout my work time.. helps keep me from the hot dogs ( which smell sooo good ). Also, will have to figure out something else besides water to drink at work.. our tasted funny today.. metally Blachh!!.
In the last two months I haven't been real crafty.. other than working on a scarf for a friend I haven't picked up any of my crochet hooks. Oh well, there will come a time to get it done and off to another project for me to ignore. I feel bad cause I seem to have put off answering a lot of emails and mails from loved ones. I know I shouldn't put them off but I still have hopes that Time will slow down enough that I can do it and not miss out on anything else.. I'm only 35 but I swear there are days I feel as it I were 70. So much to do so little time. I can't wait for work to be done and over for the day.. There's 8 hours and since I work evenings there's 8 or so hours after that so that's 16 to 18 hours wasted there. That leaves me 6 hours to do what I want to do... however realistically that's not even true since most of my time off I spend doing laundry, grocery shopping, paying the bills, cleaning house, visiting those I've ignored nearly too long. It's a vicious cycle I'm telling you.
Work still bugs me, since I stepped back from the Assistant Manager's position I feel that I've been shoved into a corner and been told to stay.. bad girl.. take your punishment. Well, I am now the pro verbally "babysitter" at work for those who are newer at work.. On top of doing my part of the job I also have to watch over, critique, and make sure they do their part of the work too. I seems to me that if you have a job to do... and hope to make the best of it.. you will do the work and do it well. However, that is not the case for many of my co workers. Nope, Not at all. Instead, I get to alienate myself even more and badger them to do it right, well, and in a timely fashion. I guess that's better than apologizing to my family about my job, giving up any chance at a normal home life. So, I'll quit bitching over that.

However I still have the same bitch... If You Live In America.. Learn the Fucking Language. Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and a few other states are NOT part of Mexico and do NOT belong to the Mexicans. Therefore They Need to Learn The American Language. And the First Two Phrases they need to be taught are : PLEASE and THANK YOU. I am so sick of foreigners coming in and telling me "Give ME". Fuck you and log you rode in on.. Unfortunately I cannot say this at work ( unless I want to loose my job ), So I bite my tongue and go on.

well, it's after 5 now, and I suppose I should get some rest.. I have the next two days off so I'll be paying bills, shopping for food, cleaning clothes and house. I wish you well.