Monday, April 30, 2007

Excited and Sad

It's a few hours later now, and I've gotten over my Pissed ( for the time being ) .. I cannot control any one's actions while I am not there to watch over them. If they choice not to do their job, and I'm not there... so be it.. I won't take the shit for their demise any longer. I will go in and do My work, My job as best I can. And until I am given the authority to reprimand, write up, and or fire someone... screw it, I'm not going to blow my health just for this menial job.. not when I can go else where.

I'm excited cause I work till 2 this afternoon, and DH and I ( if / when he gets home ) will spend some quality time together. Not to mention that tomorrow I am going to town w/ my MIL ( gotta love that woman ) and spending the day w/ her. Of course I do have to go to my Cardiologist for an INR check up, but that is no biggie. If DD doesn't have anything big at school (TAKS, tests.. what have you ) I might let her come w/ too. Either way, we'll go to lunch, I'll destress, and have a good day. Wednesday, I have to work mid shift, but that's okay since I'll be on the floor and out of sight from the "stupid" people who can't seem to do their jobs.

On the other hand, I'm sad.. DH's best friend's father is Brain Dead, and when he is taken from Life Support ( be it on his own or w/ help ) DH will be pall bearer at the funeral. I know that the day will be difficult for him as the man was like a second father to him. Whatever G needed, if his own son (the BF ) couldn't do DH did ( mechanically ).

I am not looking forward to the funeral, since I KNOW I'll be scheduled to work, but that's the way it falls for me... Sucks. Anyhow, I'll do my best to work around getting the time I need for it and for DH.

Until later Folks... Have a Blessed Day and Future yourselves.

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