We buried Ms. Gladys three days ago, she was my husband's step grandmother. Ms. Gladys' son is even married to his mother on top of Ms. Gladys having been married to my husband's Grandfather. So, needless to say she has been a very big part of my DH's life. She was the Matriarch of the family, a community servant for over 40 yrs as a nurse. The great loved her, the most respected her, and the doctors and her patiens feared her. lol . She will be missed.
She once told me of my own Grandda, who died when I was only a baby, and how she would nurse him when he would come in the back door of the hospital for treatments. She told me that he didn't want any one's pitty of his cancer so he would come in the back so no one would know.
She left with us her one remaining son Harold (a wonderful man who is married to my MIL), his children, the children of her deseased daughter, her Step children Paul Elbert (my FIL) Patsy and Marie, and all the Grandchildren and Great Grands of them all. She has been a Great Grandmother to our daughter Kayla for all the years that she has been.
Her funeral, a sad occation, was a great turnout of the families and the community that she served and loved for so many years. It was the only time I have ever seen my husband shed a tear, but then again it was his Grandmother's funeral.
Would you believe it was his first funeral ever, where as I have gone to more than 15 in my life ?
Monday, November 14, 2005
Friday, October 07, 2005
Two weeks after Rita
Thursday, October 06, 2005
Hurrican Rita

It has been a week since I started back to work, and many days it has been difficult not to cry. I have not seen the community come together as tightly as it has. I have seen the National Guard, Coast Guard, Red Cross, and others hand out help on t.v. , but never thought I'd be one of the ones in line for food, water, and ice, but have been now. It is a very humbling experiance for us, especially since taking is a difficult thing for me to do when I know I can never repay the kindness given.
In the days following Rita it has seemed a dream, the Military, the Disaster organizations such as FEMA and Red Cross, and our town's people ( even me and Kayla ) pulling to help the community in our time of need. At work it is difficult not to cry, seeing our towns people try to take care of the Men and Women who are here to help us, them paying for thier drinks, snacks, and offering warm showers and what they can for the kindness they have shown us.
As a child I have lived with out electricity, done with out hot water, and survived without watching television. But now, after all the years of Air Conditioning, Computers, and Television... I had forgotten that there other ways. I am no longer a youth, nor do I have the resilantsy that comes with it, however I know that I can still survive without electricty and all that comes with it. I can still make tea w/ a perculator, make dinner over a flame, and be comfortable doing so.
It has been nearly two weeks now, and today I had a Whopper for lunch... the first since, and it tasted AMAZING !! Today, I got my first day off since last Wednesday when my store opened back up. Even the owner of the company lent a helping hand and directed traffic in our parking lot/ pump stations. He even made sure that those of us who hadn't a home, had a place to stay during all of this. two of my co workers lost their home, and two other couldn't go there homes because of the surrounding damage.
The school had some roof damage to the luch building, and the Winnie Community Building took all the food from there to cook ( and keep from wasting away ) for those of us who needed a good meal. Kayla starts back to school tomorrow, and we all look forward to a bit of normalcy.
Rita's Tantrum

Here are just a few pictures of what Rita did while we ran for cover. They were taken just two days after she hit our small town. The pictures are of the local lumberyarn (which is only a few houses down from my house), our Sonic , which half of the awning is gone and alot of damage to the main building; all the in the third picture is from the roof off the building to the left, a block away, and last is David Self Ford Dealership, they were smart enough to have moved all of the merchandise out of town to a safer location.
Monday, September 19, 2005
First Shrug

Well, I completed my very first shrug for my daughter, and although she loved the colour she didn't care for the bulkyness of the back. I used a pattern from http://www.craftyarncouncil.com/projects/mar99_crochet.html
and for my first try it was very easy, however I plan on reworking the pattern to suite my daughter and hopefully make one she likes and will wear. Don't get me wrong.. it turned out great, just not to her liking. She wants one that connect in the front like a regular bolaro jacket.
I used Red Heart Giant multicolour ( I seem to use alot of that lol ) in the color of 4040 Cabana Print double yarn w/ a P hook. I look forward to making more.
Next on my "family" list is a hat/scarf set for my niece in her school colors of green and gold.
Friday, September 09, 2005
Birthday Gift Set

Since I have been making hat/scarf sets these last couple of weeks I desided to make one for my daughter's friend who is having a birthday party/sleepover this weekend.
The hat is made from Faith's Justin's gone Fishing Hat Pattern http://crochetingcookspatterns.blogspot.com/2005/07/justins-gone-fishin-hat.html in Red Heart's Sunshine Print and Bright Yellow , both are worsted weight, and the scarf is just Red Heart's Sunshine Print done in the basic dc till it was long enough. AS you can see both are quite bright and should match w/ the Birthday Girl's personality very well.
Mother/Daughter curly scarves

Both Scarves are made from a sport weight yarn called Blue Pomp (Red Heart) http://www.fuzzygalore.biz/patterns/spiral.shtml is the pattern for the Daughter's curly sarf and the pattern for the Mother's can be found here : http://www.coloredjules.com.au/oscommerce_australia/product_info.php?cPath=32_24&products_id=153&osCsid=cecb1a5cd97f849ab0f36510bdc4e357
Both were fun to do, and I plan on making them a Christmas gift for one of my Sister in Laws and her daughter.
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Only 16 more days until the Go Red HeartLine call in event!
This is a reminder to mark your calendars to call the
Go Red HeartLine at 1-877-GO RED 05!
Go Red HeartLine
What: Call the toll-free Go Red HeartLine to speak to a knowledgeable registered nurse about your heart disease questions. Discuss your personal risks for women’s No. 1 killer and what you and your doctor can do to help prevent this disease.
When: Saturday, September 24, 2005, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Where: Call toll-free 1-877-GO-RED-05
Cost: None! This event is free-of-charge
Why: All women are at risk for heart disease; the good news is, you can reduce your risk. Learn how.
The Go Red HeartLine is offered by the American Heart Association’s Go Red For Women movement, nationally sponsored by Macy’s and Pfizer. The 2005 Go Red HeartLine is made possible by SHPS’ CareWise Nurse Line with support from PacifiCare Health Systems.Thank you for your support of the American Heart Association and Go Red For Women!
check it out
This is a reminder to mark your calendars to call the
Go Red HeartLine at 1-877-GO RED 05!
Go Red HeartLine
What: Call the toll-free Go Red HeartLine to speak to a knowledgeable registered nurse about your heart disease questions. Discuss your personal risks for women’s No. 1 killer and what you and your doctor can do to help prevent this disease.
When: Saturday, September 24, 2005, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Where: Call toll-free 1-877-GO-RED-05
Cost: None! This event is free-of-charge
Why: All women are at risk for heart disease; the good news is, you can reduce your risk. Learn how.
The Go Red HeartLine is offered by the American Heart Association’s Go Red For Women movement, nationally sponsored by Macy’s and Pfizer. The 2005 Go Red HeartLine is made possible by SHPS’ CareWise Nurse Line with support from PacifiCare Health Systems.Thank you for your support of the American Heart Association and Go Red For Women!
check it out
Re-Life Day
A year ago today, I woke up to someone telling me to cough...
They had removed the breathing tube from my throat, I had survived the open heart surgery. Next was to survive sitting up, more painful than one may think at that point. I was in a room full of others who had also had some form of OHS, and they too had to cough and sit up. I recall my Mother In Law there to encourage me, while my husband and daughter waited to see me. Other than fighting to sit up, fighting against the pain of breathing (the movement of my chest hurt) and the fact that so quickly after the surgery I had to do anything, I recall very little of the day.
Most of the people got moved to the 8th (or was it the 9th ) floor where most of the DeBakey Heart patiences were I do not remember, but know that I spent the next two weeks there. I fought tooth and nail to get released, just so I could go outside, go off the floor, get away from the heavy heart monitor. I finally to got go home (well my MIL's) where she gave me my Lovanox shots and hooked me up to my IV bags (antibiotics ), and made sure I was taken care of.
A week later we went back to Houston, and I was put back into the hospital. I was slowing drowning... My lungs were filling up, and no - one suspected until my cardiologist took and examed me. According to the doctors, once my heart sac was broke the area reacted badly to the gloves that were used during surgery (happens quite often), and the fluid just gradually built up until I could hardly breath or talk at the same time.
So, After 4 days of Heprin They removed 13,000 cc of fluid from my lungs. And believe you me, that is a lot of fluid for an area that should be getting oxygen.
The day that I was released, and felt much much better, and have been feeling stronger, and better than I have in many many years. I did not know that I could have so much energy.
Now, I take my blood thinners every day, and thank the Gods and Goddesses that I have been granted a renewed life. So, I say Happy Re-Life Day to me.
They had removed the breathing tube from my throat, I had survived the open heart surgery. Next was to survive sitting up, more painful than one may think at that point. I was in a room full of others who had also had some form of OHS, and they too had to cough and sit up. I recall my Mother In Law there to encourage me, while my husband and daughter waited to see me. Other than fighting to sit up, fighting against the pain of breathing (the movement of my chest hurt) and the fact that so quickly after the surgery I had to do anything, I recall very little of the day.
Most of the people got moved to the 8th (or was it the 9th ) floor where most of the DeBakey Heart patiences were I do not remember, but know that I spent the next two weeks there. I fought tooth and nail to get released, just so I could go outside, go off the floor, get away from the heavy heart monitor. I finally to got go home (well my MIL's) where she gave me my Lovanox shots and hooked me up to my IV bags (antibiotics ), and made sure I was taken care of.
A week later we went back to Houston, and I was put back into the hospital. I was slowing drowning... My lungs were filling up, and no - one suspected until my cardiologist took and examed me. According to the doctors, once my heart sac was broke the area reacted badly to the gloves that were used during surgery (happens quite often), and the fluid just gradually built up until I could hardly breath or talk at the same time.
So, After 4 days of Heprin They removed 13,000 cc of fluid from my lungs. And believe you me, that is a lot of fluid for an area that should be getting oxygen.
The day that I was released, and felt much much better, and have been feeling stronger, and better than I have in many many years. I did not know that I could have so much energy.
Now, I take my blood thinners every day, and thank the Gods and Goddesses that I have been granted a renewed life. So, I say Happy Re-Life Day to me.
Sunday, August 28, 2005
Great Uncle Jim Betts
Last night my mom called to tell me that my Great Uncle had passed away on Friday. I was sad for the Family. I know I had met my G. U. but that has been many years. The last time I can think of ever having seen him, was when Great Grandad Betts had passed, and Momma and I went to Salina for the funeral. But then I was a young teen, and other than my Grandma, and some cousins my age; little held my attention. No, not to say I didn't know; I cried my eyes out for the man who would give me all his one dollar bills when ever I visited him ( he just lived across the field from my Grandparents). I loved him dearly.
Any how, back to the subject at hand, I would like to post about his passing, and hope that others out there do not forget about your Great Uncles and Aunts, as they are your loved ones too.
James Gene “Jim” Betts
James Gene “Jim” Betts, 76, Salina, died Friday, Aug. 26, 2005.
Mr. Betts was born April 13, 1929, in Salina, the son of the late Philip Frank Betts and Mabel Zada (Laferre) Green. He attended Washington High School in Salina. He served in the U.S. Navy as a seaman second class in World War II and served in the U.S. Army as a corporal in the Korean War. He retired as owner/operator of ACE Sanitary Service in Salina and had been working as a rural postal carrier. He was a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1432 and attended the Emmanuel Christian Center in Salina. He was an avid stamp collector.
He married the former Shirley Ann Copeland on Aug. 2, 1957, in Ellsworth.
Survivors include his wife, Shirley; three daughters, Shayla Gibbs and husband Curtis, Geneann Gordon and husband Greg T. and Dawn Carlson and husband Frank, all of Salina; two sons, Monty and wife Linda of Salina and Kevin of Wichita; a sister, Phyllis Austin and husband Ralph of Mauston, Wis.; a brother, Donald Philip and wife Etta of Salina; two half brothers, Michael Betts of Salina and Terence “Terry” Betts and wife Josephine of Tracy, Calif.; 15 grandchildren; and eight great-grandchildren.
The funeral will be at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday at Emmanuel Christian Center, Salina, Pastor Loren Houltberg officiating. Burial will be in Highland Cemetery, New Cambria.
Memorials may be made to Emmanuel Christian Center Food Fund, 1325 Cloud, Salina.
Visitation will be from 1 to 5 p.m. Monday at Carlson-Ford-Geisendorf Funeral Home, 500 S. Ohio, Salina 67401.
Condolences may be sent to www.carlsonford.com.
Any how, back to the subject at hand, I would like to post about his passing, and hope that others out there do not forget about your Great Uncles and Aunts, as they are your loved ones too.
James Gene “Jim” Betts
James Gene “Jim” Betts, 76, Salina, died Friday, Aug. 26, 2005.
Mr. Betts was born April 13, 1929, in Salina, the son of the late Philip Frank Betts and Mabel Zada (Laferre) Green. He attended Washington High School in Salina. He served in the U.S. Navy as a seaman second class in World War II and served in the U.S. Army as a corporal in the Korean War. He retired as owner/operator of ACE Sanitary Service in Salina and had been working as a rural postal carrier. He was a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1432 and attended the Emmanuel Christian Center in Salina. He was an avid stamp collector.
He married the former Shirley Ann Copeland on Aug. 2, 1957, in Ellsworth.
Survivors include his wife, Shirley; three daughters, Shayla Gibbs and husband Curtis, Geneann Gordon and husband Greg T. and Dawn Carlson and husband Frank, all of Salina; two sons, Monty and wife Linda of Salina and Kevin of Wichita; a sister, Phyllis Austin and husband Ralph of Mauston, Wis.; a brother, Donald Philip and wife Etta of Salina; two half brothers, Michael Betts of Salina and Terence “Terry” Betts and wife Josephine of Tracy, Calif.; 15 grandchildren; and eight great-grandchildren.
The funeral will be at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday at Emmanuel Christian Center, Salina, Pastor Loren Houltberg officiating. Burial will be in Highland Cemetery, New Cambria.
Memorials may be made to Emmanuel Christian Center Food Fund, 1325 Cloud, Salina.
Visitation will be from 1 to 5 p.m. Monday at Carlson-Ford-Geisendorf Funeral Home, 500 S. Ohio, Salina 67401.
Condolences may be sent to www.carlsonford.com.
Monday, August 22, 2005
EEEEwwww!!! Blog SPAM !!!
YUCK!! I touched one.. Bleah .. *washed hands*... You would think that people would know better than to spam blogs, I mean don't we get enough of that crap from our emails and snail mail boxes ? lara873lisa sent me my first one.. and after the second, Sis (Kari) told me how to get rid of them..
I never thought about that #^#&^ %$*^@(_ #@ showing up on blogs, let alone MINE !!
Well, I've fixed you lara873lisa and others of your ilke, you can't get to me anymore. Hopefully you can't get to many more. If you read this make sure your blog is Spam Free, go to settings.. then to the comment section, and you'll see where to turn it "on".
It is a shame that we have to do crap like that, anoying others, to make a living.... but have some pride Do Something Useful.
I never thought about that #^#&^ %$*^@(_ #@ showing up on blogs, let alone MINE !!
Well, I've fixed you lara873lisa and others of your ilke, you can't get to me anymore. Hopefully you can't get to many more. If you read this make sure your blog is Spam Free, go to settings.. then to the comment section, and you'll see where to turn it "on".
It is a shame that we have to do crap like that, anoying others, to make a living.... but have some pride Do Something Useful.
Thursday, August 18, 2005
"Frankenstien Doily"
Posting Sis's newest FO for her since her ISP is being a POS hehe
You can edit and remove this or add the link to the pattern or whatever Sis. Love ya!

Pic is clickable
Thanks Kari.. you're the Greatest. I just wanted to say that I was following the pattern for the Vintage Spider Web Doily : http://crochet.about.com/library/weekly/aa103099.htm and after row 10 this is what I read to do... lol. In the end I created my Frankenstien Doily.
You can edit and remove this or add the link to the pattern or whatever Sis. Love ya!

Pic is clickable
Thanks Kari.. you're the Greatest. I just wanted to say that I was following the pattern for the Vintage Spider Web Doily : http://crochet.about.com/library/weekly/aa103099.htm and after row 10 this is what I read to do... lol. In the end I created my Frankenstien Doily.
Monday, August 15, 2005
Back to School...Monday..Again..

So tell me, what happened to waiting till after Labor Day Weekend to start school... not that I am complaining.. just curious. Is is because the children are no longer needed in the fields that we just don't wait any longer? Who Knows
As another school season begins so do the preditors ... so if by chance you stop by and have not looked.. here is a web site you as concerned parents / adults / teachers should look over. Don't leave it up to others to do for you what you should do yourself. http://www.stopsexoffenders.com/statelistings.shtml Have a look.. even small towns are susseptible. You might learn something that will save yours or another's child grief and pain.
Hell of a subject, but I love my child enought to do the research. I have even go so far as to go through the site w/ K (she is 12 now) and she understands that these people are NOT to be trusted.
As you can see she has a very ecclectic sense of color, taste, and clothing. I Love that she is secure in enough in her own skin that other people's harshness cannot touch her. Just as I have done my best to teach her that she has to respect other people's opinions... as they maynot be her's but to the others' it is just as important.
Hope the site catches your eye and you take a look at your school, hometown as see what dangers may lurk there for you and yours.
Sunday, August 07, 2005
Like many I have recieved emails saying that " If you ..... Then you'll do this or if you don't then you do that... and this is the results" So if I don't pass it one I don't believe in such and such and will soon go to HELL .
Well, like so many other, I am tired of it and of signing my name to some list that is who knows how old, and so on.
This is for those of us who need to let the others ( be they loved ones or not ) know we are FED UP with it : http://www.softlab.ece.ntua.gr/~sivann/pub/swf/may02-smilepop-soapbox4.swf
Well, like so many other, I am tired of it and of signing my name to some list that is who knows how old, and so on.
This is for those of us who need to let the others ( be they loved ones or not ) know we are FED UP with it : http://www.softlab.ece.ntua.gr/~sivann/pub/swf/may02-smilepop-soapbox4.swf
Friday, August 05, 2005
Thursday, August 04, 2005
OOOPS here it is !!

This one to the left is my first attempt using a single strand.. needless to say it looks like it belong on a 16 Centry maid in England or such. The next one is my second attempt using two strands of yarn (green and mauve) together as per the instructions. That one turned out much much better. Thanks Faith PA for letting me use your pattern to get me started on hat brims.
http://crochetingcookspatterns.blog...fishin-hat.html And also every one at Crochetville http://www.crochetville.com/forum for listening and helping me along on my Crocheting journey. WEll next I think I'll try Dot's Pony Tail Hat found at her web site at http://patbythehook.blogdrive.com . My daughter would like one of those for herself.
Saturday, July 30, 2005
Fourth Hat New Pattern

My Wonderful and Beautiful daughter Kayla asked for this skull cap which is also Janelle's . It took me a bit longer to complete, but I did it. She likes it and is thinking of adding beads to it. I'll be sure to post pics of that if she does.
You can find the pattern at http://crochet.about.com/gi/dynamic/offsite.htm?zi=1/XJ&sdn=crochet&zu=http://hometown.aol.com/QAmazon/patts.html My daughter Kayla was pleased with the results and so am I since it fits her lol.
Friday, July 29, 2005
My First Hat

This is my first crocheted hat... turned out real cute, but for my thich haired child I'll have to add a couple more rounds.. No, This is not the child..lol . I found the hat pattern from About.com ... Copyright Janelle Schlossman
Hubby is talking about wearing it under the hard hat, but I don't see that happening. If only he'd a let me take a picture of him w/ it on. lol
Monday, March 21, 2005
Saddness strikes again at a School.
The beautiful day is marred with the news,
the scene is surrounded by television crews.
Kids are frightened , running scared... crying,
shaking their heads, adults are lost and sighing.
Time fades ever so slowly to a stand still,
As I stand waiting, watching as if on a hill.
I truly wonder why we allow ourselves to be so cruel
when we know our lives are destined to be over too.
To be sitting in class wishing of our dreams,
Listening to Teacher, trying to teach us reams.
The shots in the school heard throughout the halls,
bet's are tolling for those doomed to take the fall.
The shooter quits firing and lays down his gun,
others see that he's finished and has had his fun.
With a smile on his face and blood on his hands,
Got starts the new day Crying for his Lands.
There are so many wonderful things to do and see,
So many amazing things the future holds to be.
True, our future is seemingly unknown,
But life without Chances is our Fate sewn.
R. Choate
Remember only we can teach our children kindness for others. THIS past and future are UNnessesary. Do try to remember who listens (and YES they do listen) to you and your actions then repeats them, and give them examples to LOVE and LIVE by.
Words of praise given at no cost,
to those who may have been lost,
is to create wings on my soul.
Words of love, laughter, and cheer,
to those who have none to hear,
Is a gift, as smile that lightens my load.
Words of heartache, sadness, and greif,
to those who feel the same, and alone,
Is a bridge to cross the personal reef.
Words of friendship, joy, and caring;
to those who know naught but hurt,
Is the greatest of giving, a real sharing.
Words shown for all the world to see,
freeing us to be all we can try to be,
Are true feelings to tie us together.
R. Choate
The childhood saying goes" Stick and Stone may break my bones, but words cannot hurt me.." Well that just isn't so... Words carry a GREAT deal of POWER and DO cause PAIN. Especially for / from children. And where do they learn these painful, hatefilled words..?
Monday, March 14, 2005
In Time of Need I am posting this.
For three days the Goddess Cries
Three days for each who dies.
Time of burials, the sun shines bright,
as She greets the souls, new to her sight.
A Mother, her toddler, and Baby too,
Needless deaths, year oh so very few.
Lost, afraid, and forever out of her place,
Mother's Mask slips madly from her face.
Lost in herself, ready to give up the good fight,
Afraid of lonelyness, regardless of what's in sight.
Forever now out of her suppressed, silent misery,
Together her, the toddler, and so precious baby.
As the funeral hour soon draws near,
I pray to the Goddess, please may she hear.
Free this Mother, from her terrible earthly binds,
Allow her anewed strength for her new lines.
Rest in Peace
I know it isn't going to bring anyone back, but perhaps knowing that others have lived with the pain will help to ease some one else's.
Blessing to You All
Sunday, March 13, 2005
Weekend is gone once again
WEll once again it is Sunday night and the weekend is fading away. I have been through the Sunday paper looking once more for my JOB. Wish me luck. I know that the comment thingie is weirded out so I know that the few of you that actually look and see have not been able to say HI or G2H.
Anyhow, I figured I'd take a break from the crying jag that "The Ulimate Makeover/ Home Edition" put me in, and post yet again. Instead of whinning or bitching I thought perpahs I would share another poem ( just one time this round lol ) w/ ya'll.
Anyhow, I figured I'd take a break from the crying jag that "The Ulimate Makeover/ Home Edition" put me in, and post yet again. Instead of whinning or bitching I thought perpahs I would share another poem ( just one time this round lol ) w/ ya'll.
Behind the Mask
Lost, alone, and out of place
never to loose my Public Face
I smile, laugh, join in w/ them
But only I will know my future sin.
Friends I have and friend I be,
But forever seperated from thee
No connection to world or one at all
Pain to determine my pending fall.
Guilt, sadness, and low self esteem
Non allowed ever to be seen.
Mustn't let these feelings through,
The PITY from them would never do.
I know now I can't stay and play,
The building pain never to fade away.
I will miss those who show kindness,
But somewhere, I must find my own bliss.
Not in this world, but perhaps the next,
Away from my plague will I find rest.
Shed your tears for me NOT today,
For I shall greet you On your way.
R. Choate
I suppose I need to get w/ Kari to find the copyrite key.. or how to copyrite my stuff, but I'd just as soon be able to share w/ those who would like to read my poetry. And if that goes over well I'll start one of my novels for you all. OH JOY !!! heehee I know, I know.. I've blown you over.. Tell me do you ever feel like your in a large empty room speaking to NO ONE but yourself, but you Just Couldn't give a Crap ? That's about how I feel.
Here's hoping you ..well like if not enjoy Behind the Mask.
Brightest of Blessings to you and yours
Tuesday, March 08, 2005
I'm Back
Mountain Home
She holds me high to show me the sight
never to shake me, regardless her might.
In her valleys I swim in her tears
the waters washing away my fears.
Providing the nourishment I need,
for all there who may need to feed.
She is a mother, a protector, a giver
to climb up high when comes her river.
So many years away from her imbrace
only to join others in the "Rat Race".
Memories of our times on my walks
of finding her there for all my talks.
Knowing she'll be when I go home
waiting with her ever quiet tone.
Waiting for my return to waterfall fountains
Oh, how I truely miss the Ozark Mountainsj
R. Choate
For those of us who have left our homes and can't wait to get back again. You know who you are.
Saturday, January 08, 2005
To Answer a Question
I am a 32 year old Mother/wife. And have only been in the hospital 3 times in my life... when I was born, when I needed stitches, and when I gave birth to my wonderful daughter. Needless to say I learned to distrust most doctors and stayed away unless I just couldn't aviod it. Now, I can't avoid it and am looking for others who might understand where I am and am going.After hours at this hospital they whispered and spoke a strange language and the next morning I was in an ambulance headed for the Methodist Hospital in Houston. I was still okay w/ what was happening.. which wasn't much. At this time I still had no clue as to who, what, where, when, or why. I could only just hold on for the ride. Thankfully my Husband was there w/ me and our wonderful Neighbors were looking after our daughter.It wasn't until the Surgeon told me I had to have surgery to remove the blood clots that it hit me. I Had Heart Problems. I was absolutely terrified, but still held it together. The night before the surgery I was on the phone w/ my husband that I broke.. my terror of not being in control got to me and I cried. Needless to say my husband came and stayed w/ me. I do not recall anything other than waking up after the surgery, but apparently proceeded to remove everything from my body and go home.. they knocked me out deeper and had to replace everything. After that I ended up taking numerous tests.. ( some of which I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy if I had one.. they hurt so bad). And the cardiologist told me that my mitral valve was nearly destroyed and most likely from Rhumatic Fever as a child. I couldn't beleive it. There's no way.. I would have remembered something like that, but apparently it didn't take much for Strep Throat to turn into R F even with penicillan. Then I was really scared, and knew my husband wouldn't be able to stay w/ me all the time. Luckily my Mother In Law was with me when D couldnt be. And our daughter was being watched over by his Home Town and going to school there. I felt lucky to know that they were all pulling for me. Anyhow, I had my surgery and after Nearly a month I wanted nothing more than to get out of the hospital.. I had not been outside the entire time, due to the monitor I HAD to wear 24/7. After the Heart Surgery My bp was so low that the nurses would check on me quite often and would go so far as to wake me too. I finally got to leave and went home w/ my MIL so someone was with me and could hook me up to my antibiotics and give me my shots (prior to warfarin). I lasted a week, I got so bad I couldn't speak a sylible without taking a breath. I could not walk very far because of the swelling, but I had not gained more that a few ounces a day. Apparently that's all it took. I went to my check up at the cardiologist and I knew I would have to go back in. He sent me to the Lung Doc. and rushed me to a room. I was there for a bit over a week just to get off the warfardin so he could drain my lungs. And let me tell you.. It Hurt !! It was another week (so it felt like) before it reexpanded. That was from the last weekend in August to the begining of Oct.
We have relocated according to his job, in his home town now. I have an appointment w/ a new cardiologist Dr. Sweet the 19th. I plan to bombard him w/ all my questions and queiries then, but felt it was important that I connect w/ others who understand what I have gone through and know what my future may hold. I take my warfardin religously and non aspirine pain killers quite often. I have been on my period for 2weeks now and am looking forward to getting off of it.
During all of this I had friends/family .. loved ones.. who called, came by the hospital, emailed, and just plain let me know that they were thinking of me. I could not have survived as strongly as I had if not for their support and love. To my Mom and MIL not to mention well everyone else (Kari) who kept me on my toes. I Love You All.
And now I have found ValveReplacement.com a site that is full of those who have gone through well valve replacement and will hopefully answers question I have, and help me as I finish my life on Warfarin.
Brightest Blessings to All
We have relocated according to his job, in his home town now. I have an appointment w/ a new cardiologist Dr. Sweet the 19th. I plan to bombard him w/ all my questions and queiries then, but felt it was important that I connect w/ others who understand what I have gone through and know what my future may hold. I take my warfardin religously and non aspirine pain killers quite often. I have been on my period for 2weeks now and am looking forward to getting off of it.
During all of this I had friends/family .. loved ones.. who called, came by the hospital, emailed, and just plain let me know that they were thinking of me. I could not have survived as strongly as I had if not for their support and love. To my Mom and MIL not to mention well everyone else (Kari) who kept me on my toes. I Love You All.
And now I have found ValveReplacement.com a site that is full of those who have gone through well valve replacement and will hopefully answers question I have, and help me as I finish my life on Warfarin.
Brightest Blessings to All
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