Sunday, March 13, 2005

Weekend is gone once again

WEll once again it is Sunday night and the weekend is fading away. I have been through the Sunday paper looking once more for my JOB. Wish me luck. I know that the comment thingie is weirded out so I know that the few of you that actually look and see have not been able to say HI or G2H.
Anyhow, I figured I'd take a break from the crying jag that "The Ulimate Makeover/ Home Edition" put me in, and post yet again. Instead of whinning or bitching I thought perpahs I would share another poem ( just one time this round lol ) w/ ya'll.

Behind the Mask
Lost, alone, and out of place
never to loose my Public Face
I smile, laugh, join in w/ them
But only I will know my future sin.
Friends I have and friend I be,
But forever seperated from thee
No connection to world or one at all
Pain to determine my pending fall.
Guilt, sadness, and low self esteem
Non allowed ever to be seen.
Mustn't let these feelings through,
The PITY from them would never do.
I know now I can't stay and play,
The building pain never to fade away.
I will miss those who show kindness,
But somewhere, I must find my own bliss.
Not in this world, but perhaps the next,
Away from my plague will I find rest.
Shed your tears for me NOT today,
For I shall greet you On your way.
R. Choate
I suppose I need to get w/ Kari to find the copyrite key.. or how to copyrite my stuff, but I'd just as soon be able to share w/ those who would like to read my poetry. And if that goes over well I'll start one of my novels for you all. OH JOY !!! heehee I know, I know.. I've blown you over.. Tell me do you ever feel like your in a large empty room speaking to NO ONE but yourself, but you Just Couldn't give a Crap ? That's about how I feel.
Here's hoping you ..well like if not enjoy Behind the Mask.
Brightest of Blessings to you and yours


Anonymous said...

You know me, I love it.
Share away the copyright symbol is achieved by holding down the alt key and typing 0 1 6 9
BUT according to copyright laws as long as you have it on file on your computer (would be good idea to back it up onto disc or print) with a date to prove you did it first, you're copyrighted..
Love ya Sis,

Rae's Sanctuary said...

You always were my biggest supporter, and I greatly appreciate it. and thanks for the Copy rite symbol and how to get it.
Love ya always,