Thursday, June 14, 2007

Offense # 3269

Seriously, Samantha King has got issues. She seems to be under the illusion that I am Incompetent, and cannot do a simple thing. She comes up to the counter w/ Lotto cards, only she will not allow me to process them until after I do the "First" order, then I do the Lotto Transaction, then Cigarettes.. and by this time there are 4 other people waiting on her to finish so that they can do their ONE ... complete order.

Oh, I forgot to tell you about my EX co-worker ( and I use the word loosely ) .. Apparently she got pulled over by a local deputy ( I do like him ), and when she could not produce Identification she got mouthy w/ him. So, he took her in and let her spend the night in jail.. I loved it.. Laughed my Ass off over that. She's had it coming for some time now.. all her big talk.. and talk is all she is.

Then last night, to top it all off I got stuck working w/ E-ORE. I'm serious, slow, lazy, but not cute and adorable. I just cannot understand people who have such suckie work ethics. I had to bully her to get her to do her job Away from the register. I had berate her into understanding that she just cannot walk away when ever she felt like it.. She turned me into the BITCH from Work. I do not like having to baby sit, and she pushed me to the limits w/ her lazy ass stupidity. However, my Boss gets to work w/ her tomorrow... heehee. I hope she ( E-ORE ) pulls her stupid shit w/ Boss. She will be written up for it and eventually be moved on out.

This after noon I was suppose to meet up w/ a friend and dig up some of the bulbs I have.. only the bottom fell out and we got flooded w/ rain.. It has been raining continuously for over an hour now, the winds have taken down the boat cover, and hopefully has not destroyed my garden. I am glad to not have to water then I actually slept in thinking I was going to have to remember to do so this evening. I'm sure the big garden is loving it, not to mention the watermelon patch .

Well, now that I've listed Samantha Kings offense of the day, and laughed over an old co-worker's vanity , and bitched about a new co-worker's stupidity; I think I'll finish working on our Supper ( roast, home grown corn on the cob, and baked potato and sweet potato ) and enjoy the rest of my day off.

Until next time..

Love Many, Trust Few, Harm None

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Send some rain our way, we're seriously needing it they are talking bans and such. We're on the fringe of moderate to severe drought.