Monday, July 02, 2007

Half a Year gone by

Ok, so my manager went on Vaca last week and left the shop ( basically ) to the Assistant Manger and the Second Assistant Manager ( that's be me ). And I had last weekend to look out for the store, and wouldn't you know it.. Equipment Failure BIG TIME. So, Shutting down half our business to take care of it. Phone calls on top of phone calls... checking breakers, switches, computers, and everything else we can think of I had to call Maintainance to finally come out. Would you believe it was just some burned out wires that needed to be replaced. nearly half my shift w/ a major money maker down... ouch. And to go with all that, we had a power surge and my computers took nearly 20 minutes to reboot.. so No Registers Working. OMG !! Then to top it off, I get home relax refresh and check my emails.. only to find one from my manager.. "Do You Miss Me Yet ?".. I bout Fell Out.
On the Stalker front... he's still around but I do my damnest to send him to a different cashier and to ignore him .. I mean we are busy and I don't have the time / patience for his stares and stammers. He comes in not as often, but I was in hopes he'd have found himself another place perhaps even another face. But he's not dangerous and knows that I AM Very Happily Married and will remains so regardless his Hexes. Besides if anything were to happen w/ my marriage I seriously doubt that I would "Date" anyone for years.

Well It's raining again I am really tired of rain. I do wish it would go somewhere else... like Virgina. It's rained so often lately that I am water logged, not just the land .. but me personally. Oh, my tomatoes love it.. and I love my tomatoes. So, since I don't seem to have an IN with Mother Nature I'll deal w/ it. However much I miss the sunshine, I don't miss the heat.

Yeah, of course, I have my usual complaint about Samantha King. I saw her the other day, buying beer as usual, and would you believe it.. She's Pregnant. I mean come on. She does not have custody of any of her kids, her husband ( a drunk in his own right ) beats her, the state takes away her kids, and still she gets pregnant to give the state and us tax payers another mouth to take care of. And to top that off... She drinks .. drinks a shit load. So much so that the woman, who does not speak very much.........., knows just how much money to bring to pay for her booze, to the penny. I wish there were something I could do, but I happen to know that others have tried, and failed. I wish there were someway the state could make the Hospital ( has to give birth somewhere ) perform and Tubal Ligation on her. I mean, since I have worked at the store she has been pregnant 3 times. Three Times people, and she had a small child when I started, and has custody of none of them. I can only hope for the best for them and those to come. Oh, I know it sounds brutal, but I am of the mind that some people should have to prove that they will be good and responcible parents.

Ok, enough of my "Soap Box". ON to Independence Day, which my town celebrated yesterday for everyone.

I hope that comes through okay for you to see. It's hard to believe that so much time has already gone by.. Seems as I get older, Time goes by so much faster. Perhaps it is that I just feel I am missing so much now, and am looking around that much more, making time go by faster for me.
You have a wonderful Independce Day, and I hope You have someone to celebrate with so understands all the Implications of that day, for our Country, our Lives, and our Futures.

Blessed Be, Love Many, Trust Few, and Harm None